西丰城子山风景区位于西丰县凉泉镇,是国家AAA级旅游景区和省级森林公园,是一座风景秀丽的历史文化名山,辽北地区远近闻名的旅游胜地,是收录《中国名胜辞典》的辽北四大名山之一。杨靖宇东北抗联一军三师在城子山建立了抗日游击根据地。城子山属长白山哈达岭余脉,有大小山峰30余座 ,最高峰海拔760米。唐代高句丽古城——城子山山城为全国重点文物保护单位。
Xifeng Chengzi Mountain Scenic Area
Chengzi Mountain Scenic Area which lies in Liangquan Town, Xifeng County is known as a historic and cultural mountain. It is a famous tourist destination far and near, and has been included in Chinease Dictionary of Places of Interest as one of the four famous mountains in the north of Liaoning Province. Chengzi Mountain which belongs to Hadaling Vein, Changbai Mountain has more than 30 peaks big and small, and the highest peak of Chengzi Mountain is 760 meters above sea level. Chengzi Mountain Town as one of Gaogouli ancient city has been protected as one of the major historical and cultural sites at the national level.